Saturday, April 10, 2010

One Chapter at a Time

Life unfolds to us one chapter at a time
Each page a story is told
Each paragraph emotions overflowed
Each sentence intertwined
Each phrase embedded
Each word remembered

Each chapter tells a story
Of love,pain and glory
Of struggle and courage
Of failure and triumph

Each chapter tells of people
Who made our life worthy and wonderful
Who shared laughter and tears
Who loved and left us

Each chapter tells of things
Amazing and bewildering
Provoking and titillating
Uplifting and disheartening

Each chapter tells a lesson
Learned and forgotten
Regretted and redeemed
Reflected and reformed

Each chapter tells a journey
Uphill and downhill
Straight and winding
Unclear destination

One chapter at a time
One page, one paragraph
One sentence, one phrase, one word
And we will soon understand

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